Monday Helpful Tips
A few tips for avoiding weight gain during the Holidays.
A few tips for avoiding weight gain during the Holidays.
- Drink Wisely
- Yes, Eggnog is great and so are White Russians and lets not forget about all the Cocktails and Beer. BUT since we all like to over indulge on Christmas and New Years our bodies don't respond very well to the sudden change. I not going to tell you to not have any of these but maybe consider cutting it back. Instead of having those few extras still to what is normal. For me, that would only be 3 drinks for the evening and really you don't need much more then that. Also remember to drink water while you go.
- Avoid the Calorie Load
- I love having stuffing, mashed potatoes, prime rib, and pumpkin pie. The trick though is how much is too much and how to make yourself stop going back for more. Remember you can always fill you Zip-Locks and take it home for later days. It is all a mind game and you need to be able to be in control of those. This Christmas, just get one plate with a little over everything you like and don't get up again. Make sure that the food is on a separate table and not on the table that dinner is being served. Now when it comes to desserts I can't help myself to trying every one of them. Once again, just cut really small slices and if there is a few pies, all of those should add up to one slice. Try it, I dare you, and you will feel 100% better when it is all said and done.
- Wake up and Get Your Exercise On
- Yep, I am telling you to go for a walk or go to the gym or just walk up and down the stairs for a while if you have them. Doing any movement for 30 minutes will help boost your metabolism allow your body to handle the rich food.
- Out of Sight, Out of Mind
- Stop looking at the food and get out of the kitchen! When you are not around it, you will not be drawn to take more then you need. And like I said earlier, keep the food off of the dinner table and on a separate table in another room or just laid out in the kitchen. Another thing to remember is just treat this day like any other. Eat breakfast if you normally do and have that 10 a.m. snack. Might help you from over doing it in the end.
I hope some of these tips makes your Holidays a little more enjoyable. I know I like feeling content after having a great meal and not like I am about to explode.
Photo Credit: Iceman (Aka my mother)
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