Below Zero

Today, like normal, I got up to go to the gym at 5:30. Got out to my vehicle and it barely turned over. The outside temperature gauge read -27 degrees and of course my windows were frozen on the inside. But I'm not going to complain too much because I got to do something pretty cool with my coworkers once I got to work. After seeing a post from my boyfriend and his coworkers throwing boiling water into the air and turning it instantly to ice/snow! So of course I had to try it.

What you see here in the video is the formation of snowflakes! Since cold air has very little water vapor and is much denser then the boiling water, the evaporating boiling water will cling onto the sodium and calcium molecules in the air. Once the vapor molecules grab hold of the other molecules it leads to the formation of crystals. Now how cool is that.
